South Florida Maternity | Koreshan State Park

A couple weeks ago I got a message from a colleague asking me if I could help her out. She was supposed to take photographs for a dear friend of hers to showcase her beautiful pregnancy but both she and her husband had come down with mild ‘Vid cases! Oh no! The day she was set to photograph her friend I happened to have available so I was happy to step up and fill in so that this woman, Ashley, could still spend time getting her photograph taken to forever memorialize this precious moment in her life. This was an extra special journey for Sarah as this is her rainbow baby. 

We were able to connect and iron out all the details of the when and where for her session. Ashley really wanted to have her session take place at Koreshan State Park, which always thrills me! I just love being able to use that gorgeous park for photo sessions. Ashley had never been there before, and after a short rain delay she quickly understood why I love it so much. There is just so much variety within one place… plus the history is pretty fun to learn about. (If you’ve never done a tour there I highly recommend it). 

Walking around the park and chatting with Ashley and her husband, hearing how excited they are about the soon arrival of their little one, and learning that we have several mutual friends made our time together go so quickly! I felt so honored and grateful that I could help this amazing woman and give her images that she and her family will cherish forever and I wish her all the luck and strength in the weeks coming and the birth of her beautiful baby blessing. 

It’s little times like this that really put a smile on my face and joy in my heart.

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